Vince Dajani

Screenwriter, Podcaster, Voice Actor, Genius, Amateur Comedian, Rust Cohle Fan, Horror-Lover Although Really Didn’t Understand Cabin In The Woods, Four-Time Mrs. Universe Winner, Avid Reader Of Reddit, Expert Spellchezcher, Genius, But Mostly Screenwriter. You can tell from the Courier Prime font.


Vince Dajani


Credits & Produced Works

admin / July 11, 2019

Springfield’s new forensic pathologist must solve a series of decades-old homicides while hiding his ability to speak to the dead. | Written by Vince Dajani

What People Are Saying About My Writing

  • svg

    I hired Vince to turn my idea into a fully-fleshed out feature film. He broke the entire story, developed a cohesive theme and absolutely knocked the dialogue out of the park. Production on The Pin begins in Fall 2022.


    David Conroy

    Director, Lighting Designer
  • svg

    [This] is a compelling and engaging story. The dialogue is one of the strong points of the script. The characters in the story are well constructed. Overall, we clearly understand each of the character's attitudes. They have a purpose and a goal and seem real.


    Shore Scripts

    Development Notes
  • svg

    Vince is excellent at adding a ticking clock to his scenes. As a script doctor, Vince really helped take my series to the next level.


    Alex Dolan

    Crime Novelist
  • svg

    This show starts as a clever procedural that, while not terribly original, is certainly engaging. The larger, more serialized story begins to unfold after a few episodes, though, and this is really what kept me going throughout the season. Really great sense of pacing with the big story.


    iTunes Reviewer

    Apparently to review podcasts on ITunes
  • svg

    Not bad.


    Vince's Mom


    Original Scripts

    How i Died (TV Pilot)


    Jumping on the chance to return to the field of forensics, a disgraced med student inserts himself into a homicide investigation, relying on the ghost of a dead coroner as his sole source of expertise.

    Pilot | Crime Thriller | Procedural


    During public panic over a serial killer in 1919’s New Orleans, a young woman shoots a seemingly-innocent man. As her trial approaches, she and a Navy officer must piece together the truth about her victim, or face the disturbing realization that the killer may still be at large.

    Feature | Psychological Thriller | Historical Fiction


    A chronically-afraid home invasion survivor starts her first day as a paralegal for one of the most oddball groups in LA: A real-life superhero organization.

    Pilot| Dark Comedy | Mockumentary-Style


    The work week runs on autopilot for employees thanks to normally-great piece of technology, until a self-proclaimed “party girl” finds herself awake on a Monday morning.

    Short | Psychological Thriller | Romance

    About Me

    More than just a great mustache, Vince is an award-winning screenwriter specializing in comedy, drama, dramedy, comma.

    Despite the heavy nature of many of his works, Vince has developed a unique voice for injecting light even in the darkest of stories. He’s no stranger to great works of fiction, having been staffed as everything from a writer on indie film teams to a producer with Shondaland audio.

    He's recently sold his first feature-length crime thriller, The Snow Thorn, which should begin production in 2024.

    When Vince isn’t annoying his wife with “fun facts” about the TV series they’re currently watching, he’s probably annoying her by typing away at his latest script.

    Vince’s first original series, which currently sits in the podcast top-50 charts, brought elements of popular television series to the scripted-podcast genre -- something not many people thought of at the time, apparently.

    Now, he aims to turn his semi-successful podcast writing career into a semi-successful TV-and-feature-writing career.


    Breaking Story95%
    Graphic Design10%

    Let's Work Together

    Yes, David Shore, I’ll gladly join the team for your next medical drama, thanks for asking. 

      Copyright 2022. Vince Dajani